At this stage tech nights are intended to be held once a month (every third Wednesday of the month) with the potential to add the first Wednesday of the month if there is sufficient demand and capacity to support an additional night. Tech Night is about members coming together informally to discuss subjects and projects… Read more
On the 4th Wednesday of each month, CRARC hold a General Meeting for members and visitors. Doors open at 7:30pm for an 8pm start. Comtek Radio, a new VK online company run by VK6SJ and VK1KAZ will be providing a presentation at the September meeting on the Remote Radio Operations including the FlexRadio range of… Read more
The Brookvale Horse Endurance event is currently scheduled for the 5th and 6th of October 2024. This years event is being held in the forests and private property to the North of Uriarra (off to the West of Mountain Creek Road) with horses and their riders completing rides of up to 80km in length. The… Read more