
Monthly General Meeting

Given the current high instances of covid in the community and member demographics, this places a significant portion of the members at high risk and as such we are not planning any face to face meetings for the immediate future, however for this meeting we hope to have an online presentation/discussion being held.

Foundation Licence Course

Information on our courses can be found on

Monthly General Meeting

Given the current high instances of covid in the community and member demographics, this places a significant portion of the members at high risk and as such we are not planning any face to face meetings for the immediate future, however for this meeting we hope to have an online presentation/discussion being held.

Brookvale Horse Endurance Ride (Cancelled)

Unfortunately the dates have changed for this event and clash with another activity so we are regretfully unable to support it this year.

LCCC “Monaro Stages Rally”

LCCC "Monaro Stages Rally" - southern NSW (location TBD). Equipment loan with potential for some personnel. POC VK1PL

Monthly General Meeting

Mt Mugga Scout Hall 17 Astrolabe St, Red Hill, ACT, Australia

We are happy to advise that we are resuming in person meetings with this months meeting being a presentation on ACMA's proposal for class licensing by Dale VK1DSH. Time is 7:30 for 8 and will be at the CRARC clubrooms at the Mount Mugga Scout Group.  

Fitz’s Challenge bike ride

Fitz's Challenge is a bicycle event run over multiple distances up to 255km on the roads of the western part of the ACT from as Far north as Uriarra to almost the the end of the tarmac in the south. WICEN ACT assists with the provision of communications support for administrative and safety purposes, using…
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Foundation Licence Course

Mt Mugga Scout Hall 17 Astrolabe St, Red Hill, ACT, Australia

  Information on our courses can be found on

Monthly General Meeting

Mt Mugga Scout Hall 17 Astrolabe St, Red Hill, ACT, Australia

The usual EOY function will not occur this year, but has been replaced with a presentation by Bob VK1ERF covering Node-Red - an approach to shack automation.  

Foundation Licence Course

Mt Mugga Scout Hall 17 Astrolabe St, Red Hill, ACT, Australia

  Information on our courses can be found on

Monthly General Meeting

On the 4th Wednesday of each month, CRARC hold a General Meeting for members and visitors. The main part of the meeting will be a presentation on a topic of interest and it's also an opportunity for local Amateurs to get to know each other.