CRARC meeting reminder / temporary WIA broadcast changes for this weekend only

Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club

CRARC meeting reminder / temporary WIA broadcast changes for this weekend only

Good evening all, a reminder that CRARC will conduct an in person / face to face meeting for the October meeting (tomorrow night). The meeting will see a presentation from Dale VK1DSH covering a topic of great interest and potential implications for the entire amateur radio community: ACMA’s proposal for class licensing. The meeting is tomorrow night (Wednesday 26 October 2022) at 7:30 for 8pm at the Mt Mugga Scout Hall (17 Astrolabe St

Red Hill). For those who are unable to attend in person we intend to upload a video of the presentation to the clubs youtube channel – notification of it being available will be provided by this means once uploaded.


As a heads-up for the November meeting, we have decided not to run with an end of year function, instead we have another presentation arranged. This one covering Node-Red, an approach to shack automation, by Bob VK1ERF. Further details to be provided closer to the date.


Finally, this weekends broadcast will be different to normal due to the Ginini 2m repeater being used by WICEN to support the running of the Fitz’s Challenge bike event. As a result, the broadcast will not be made on the Ginini 2m repeater, instead it will be transmitted on the Bulls Head 2m repeater (146.900 MHz) and also the Ginini 70cm repeater (438.050 MHz). Callbacks are expected to be conducted on both repeaters after the broadcast and callers are welcome. We would ask that use of the Ginini 2m repeater be avoided this Sunday between approximately 0600 and 2000 (6am to 8pm) on Sunday (30 Oct 2022) to allow uninterrupted use by the WICEN crew.



