CRARC April general meeting – antenna night

Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club

CRARC April general meeting – antenna night

Good evening all, this coming monthly general meeting (April 26th) will be an opportunity for members to show off antennas to other members.


Andrew VK1AD, a prolific constructor of antennas mainly for the portable scene is intending to bring along a variety of different antennas that he has built over the years covering all bands from 80m to 13cm. A significant number of local amateurs (myself included) have built some of Andrew’s antennas and used them with great effect.


Whilst we imagine that most antennas displayed on the night would be of the home brew variety, if you have any weird, unusual or just really useful antennas that you think others would be interested in seeing, please consider bringing them along and let other members see what is available to either make or purchase.


Obviously space is not unlimited, so please no full size 3 element 80m yagis, but please have a think about what antennas you have that others may be interested in and if sufficiently portable bring them along and be prepared to show them off and discuss the reasons you use it.


As a follow on to this meeting, we are intending to hold a number of antenna construction nights over the coming months general meetings. At these meetings, we intend supporting antenna construction sessions for relatively simple antennas that are nonetheless very handy to have in your arsenal of antennas. These sessions will include the “flowerpot” 2m vertical 1/2 wave Coaxial Dipole (either with a radome or as a rollup construct), portable multiband “linked dipoles” and small portable 2m or 70cm yagis. If there is sufficient interest, further antenna construction projects may be adopted and run over additional general meetings or tech nights. Further information to be provided once details have been worked out.






Matt VK1MA

For the CRARC Committee